Sustainability. Searchability.
Waste Not is a simple way to search an open-source database of sustainable suppliers. Find better:

Doing better is the whole world’s business. We’re making it easier to make better choices for commerce. From packaging to interiors, we believe sustainability shouldn’t be a trade secret.

The beliefs we're built on

Being truly zero waste is costly and difficult. We believe in hatching a big plan, but taking immediate little steps as you can: right now. One switch can make a world of difference.

Our entire repository is on GitHub. You can learn from it, add new features, or help us audit and approve listings. Not on GitHub? You can still help: click the Open Source symbol on listings to report an issue –– we’ll send it there.
The end goal is to empower brands and consumers alike to waste not and want better. None of us are perfect. All of us can be better. Our planet demands a better supply, and Waste Not is a small step in making it easier.
!! Just Added !!
Sustainability is in the budget

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Our listings are audited by volunteers and users like you. Learn more.
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Our listings are audited by volunteers and users like you. Learn more.
Submit tickets for one issue at a time. All inquiries are pushed to GitHub and reviewed by the community.

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Our listings are audited by volunteers and users like you. Learn more.
Submit tickets for one issue at a time. All inquiries are pushed to GitHub and reviewed by the community.
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Our listings are audited by volunteers and users like you. Learn more.
Submit tickets for one issue at a time. All inquiries are pushed to GitHub and reviewed by the community.